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Blogging Vs Youtube - Which One Should You Do First?

 Is blogging dead? There are some people that say blogging is dead. We also commonly hear people say that YouTube traffic doesn’t convert. Both of these statements are far from the truth. 

In most cases you should be doing both, the answer to which one you should focus more on will depend on you and your niche."

"Is it better to blog or YouTubing? How do I know which way to go?" 

"Videos have become all-the-buzz nowadays, there's a huge demand for video content into fill up digital landscape. It's getting filled but how about blogging?" 

Are blogs dead? 

As the modern world moves forward in its rapid pace, we are starting see an increased interest in videos over text. This doesn't mean that blogging is dead though. 

Blogging and Video Content are still relevant. Both can be profitable if done properly, but the answer of which form to focus on will depend on your niche."

Videos have become all-the-buzz nowadays, there's a huge demand for video content into fill up digital landscape, it's getting filled but how about blogging? 

What does this mean for SEO? Will Google penalize for not having videos?

"As a business or individual, you may be wondering which way to go with blogging Or YouTube" 

Generally speaking, it is best for businesses and individuals alike to do both but the answer will depend on your niche. 

Is YouTube better than blogging? 

It depends on what you're trying to achieve with either one of these forms of media . 

Blogging vs YouTube in 2021 - Which One Should You Do First? 

"There's a lot for bloggers and video makers alike when it comes down to making choices between who should blog first, then make videos afterwards, or vice versa." 

A small variety of people say that YouTube traffic does not convert well enough into conversions because its primary focus is on video content. 

People say that YouTube's primary focus is only on videos and not text, in which case the viewer may be more receptive to a written blog post with lots of visuals."

"But according to Entrepreneur Magazine, there's still reason for bloggers to keep up their posts.Blogs have become an important tool for helping companies communicate with customers as well as boosting SEO rankings. 

And given all the reports indicating how strong social media traffic can help generate conversions too...it might be worth your while doing both!" 

Blogs are still important even though they don't receive as much attention. If you're looking at SEO rankings and social media traffic- blogging can be more profitable than YouTube because blogs give you the opportunity to do what other people may not have time for, write posts that include visuals! 

There is also less competition in this space - if your niche is big enough, there might only be one competitor out of hundreds doing the same thing!"

Here are some include bullet points  that you should consider when comparing YouTube vs blogging:

1. Videos are a popular choice these days because they do not require as much time commitment on behalf of the viewer. 

They also tend to give viewers more information in less time than text blog posts would (or could). Text blog posts may only take seconds per page whereas videos can take anywhere from 30 minutes up. 

This makes videos a popular choice for time-strapped people.

2. Blogging and YouTube can both be profitable if done properly, but the answer of which to focus on will depend on your niche. 

3. The best way to decide is by thinking about what you're trying to accomplish with either form of media.do you want something short or longer? Personal or business-related? 

Blogs are still important even though they don't receive as much attention, if you're looking at SEO rankings and social media traffic blogs may be more profitable than videos because blogs give you the opportunity to do other things, such as write posts that include visuals! 

4. YouTube video creators should blog because it gives them more time and resources to put into videos. 

Blogging also provides a variety of other benefits such as linking out or using images that you cannot do on YouTube. 

5. YouTubers don't need any technical skills, equipment costs are low-to-nonexistent, they don't have to worry about hosting requirements like bandwidth fees or ensuring content is mobile-friendly (video playback). 

Bloggers might need to learn about SEO, find the perfect hosting provider for their needs, and keep up on social media.

6. Text blog posts can take seconds per page whereas video duration is anywhere from 30 minutes up.

videos also give viewers more information in less time than text blog posts would (or could). 

This makes them a popular choice for people who have little-to-no free time available. 

7. Videos allow you to do what other bloggers don't have time for.write posts that include visuals! 

There's also less competition with this form of content online - if your niche is big enough, there might only be one competitor out of hundreds!

8. Youtubers get the benefit of not having to worry about technical difficulties like hosting requirements or ensuring content is mobile-friendly. 

Blogger have more resources to put into their blog posts than YouTubers do, blogging provides a variety of other benefits such as linking out visuals that you cannot do on YouTube (unless they're animated gifs). 

9. The most popular videos are usually short (less than 20 minutes) or they include links in the description box which redirect viewers back to YouTube. 

Text blog posts can take seconds per page whereas video duration varies depending on how long it takes - videos also give viewers more information in less time than text blog posts would (or could). 

This makes them a popular choice for people who have little-to-no free time available. 

Conclusion :

Blogging and YouTube can both be highly profitable and passive if done properly. 

blogs have become an important tool for connecting with customers and boosting SEO rankings, and given all the reports indicating how strong social media traffic can help generate conversions too...

it might be worth your while doing both! 

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