How To Write Blog Post Without Boring Your Audience
In today's society, everyone is a writer. And if you're reading this article, that means that you are at least one of them.
With the advent of blogs and message boards and whatnot, it seems like everyone is looking for a way to express themselves in an attempt to be noticed by others.
But sometimes, these people forget the primary rule of being a writer: always write so your audiences can read.
This may seem obvious at first blush - after all, writing simply means putting words down on paper (or inside computer code) in an interesting manner -- but there are situations where some writers get carried away with their magnum opus and end up losing their readership because they take too long to convey information or overcomplicate things.
This happens all the time on message boards, forums and even some blogs (although they tend to be significantly shorter than a novel).
It is unfair to say that all writers are boring.
It is equally unfair to suggest that the only way not to bore your audience is through having better vocabulary, etc.
Don't get me wrong, knowing big words can help you make a point in an intelligent manner, but over-using them may actually give out contrary effect on your readers or listeners.
1. Be Your Own Audience
Imagine yourself at the end of the day sitting alone under a tree with some light music playing in background and staring into nothingness while eating an ice cream cone on a hot summer day.
OK, now think deeper - what kind of ice cream flavor suits this situation? What does the song reminds you about? How do you feel right now?
What does this seemingly simple task of thinking about yourself and your surroundings under such circumstances reveal?
It reveals that you are thinking about the here and now and not somewhere else.
That's what you must do when you write: focus on whatever it is that you want to write. The same principles of being an attentive reader works here too.
2. Be Creative
Boring writing makes your audience look at their watches, yawns, even scratches their head in confusion because they can't understand what it is that you're trying to say!
How To Write Without Boring Your Audiences In order for your texts to have a message behind them, there must be a thought process involved - from the very moment that the idea pops into your head to the creation of your piece.
And if you want to be creative, then you have to let go of everything that might limit or constrain you in writing that one line that will make people read more.
Trust yourself!
3. Be Interesting
Being interesting is all about being different from whatever it already is out there - whether your topic is science, business, sports or cooking.
There are many ways on How To Write Without Boring Your Audiences .
One way is by using personal anecdotes especially when talking about something scientific or technical since most readers aren't familiar with what you're trying to talk about and they may not always agree with what the so-called experts say since most of them also see things from their own perspectives.
4. Fill in The Gaps
How To Write Without Boring Your Audiences Most of the time, we write because we have something to say; because we want to share it with someone - even if that someone is only you!
But what separates boring writing from not-so-boring writing? It all boils down to how you describe your thoughts and ideas as well as the way you form those thoughts and ideas into sentences and paragraphs.
And one big secret about this is really simple: Don't leave gaps!
5. Use Vivid Language
One good way of making sure that your writing isn't boring is by using vivid language: words that help the reader (or listener) imagine, visualize and even feel what it is that you're writing about.
Here's a good example:
The young boy nervously felt his sweaty palms on his shorts as he heard the door creak open.
His mom walked into the room with her tired face looking at him with disdain. She opened her mouth to say something but instead of reprimanding her son, she started sobbing uncontrollably.
Now compare this to the following one - which one works better?
The little kid was nervous when he heard someone open the door. He looked at his hands and saw them trembling.
To make matters worse, he noticed that they were also covered in sweat! And when he finally found the courage to look up, there stood his mom with a face that seemed to say: "Why did you do it?"
The former paints a more vivid picture of what's happening and is most probably closer to how we see things in real life than the latter.
6. Edit, Edit and Edit
You've got your work done and now it's time for editing!
It may not be the most fun part but it might just be the most important one - especially since readers tend to forgive mistakes when they're reading an interesting text.
Editing helps you correct whatever aspect of your writing that makes people lose interest such as - among others - grammar errors, spelling mistakes, clichés, wordiness, overwriting etc.
But make sure that while you edit for mistakes, you also take the time to review what it is that you've written so far because being too focused on editing sometimes makes us forget recalling what we have already written.
So to sum it all up, Writing Without Boring Your Audiences is not as hard as some people think - especially if you're willing to be creative, interesting and edit your texts over and over again until they are just right!
And once that happens, then that's when your work can finally begin to shine!
When you write without boring your audiences, you're creating a work of art.
You are using words to paint pictures, create images with sounds and evoke emotions in the minds of others.
That's what writing is about - it's an art form. Now there are some writers who can do all this effortlessly but for most authors, they have to put in the effort.
Bonus Tips:
1. Start with something interesting
2. Be Patient
3. Push yourself to be creative every now and then
4. Read your work out loud
5. Get someone to read what you've written
6. Pick a topic that doesn't bore you
7. Don't expect your reader to be entertained every second
8. Leave the boring parts for when you edit
9. Do it often..